The branch this piece was turned from sat on the ground a few months, resulting in some interesting mineral stains in the grain. A hole through the center takes a 3/4" x 4" glass test tube with flared lip. As the vase dries, the hole shrinks so I have to ream these out a couple times over a period of about a week before they get sold or given away. If I leave the glass tube in the vase while it's drying, the tube will be squeezed until it breaks.
BTW, these trumpet vases make great megaphones and also hearing aids
11" high, 4 1/2" across the rim, finished with wipe-on poly and power-buffed.
Ken, I have had a similar problem with the glass tubes fracturing so I started purchasing the stainless steel tubes. Only problem then is that the wood splits. So I have gone to turning it roughly to size and then soaking in alcohol for a day; then drying for a while. The piece goes slightly oval but once you ream it out it doesn't appear to shrink anymore. This piece is aptly named and appeals to the ladies I am sure.
I failed to check the box for email notification of replies, so a belated thanks to Jerry, Gil, and Mike who I want to ask where do you get the stainless vase tubes?