A mold was formed with layers of Manzanita limbs added stacked to the top. 2:1 Epoxy was prepared with brown dye - the mold was filled with Epoxy. After a couple of days it was put on the lathe and here it is.
I've seen something similar, but with the pieces all cut to fit together like a regular segmented bowl. Each segment looked like a cross section cut-off from a limb. Very unique look. I like it.
Hi Phil, off the Internet. US Composites there 635 Thin Epoxy Resin, 2:1 ratio - epoxy (gal) to hardner (1/2 gal). cost $48.50 plud I bought there brown dye for $5. I will get three bowls out of it. Here is their WEB Site.
One of the most unusual pieces that I have seen in a long time. A lot of work, and well worth it. Sure wish I could see it "live" rather than virtually. Great job! Where did you learn the "how to" part?