This is the Hard Maple bowl that I have the video clips of me roughing out on my flyingcurls web site. I finaly got around to finishing it!
This is what I call a Limb Burl, these pieces usualy have some outstanding figure in them, the only problem is most of the time there is not enough wood covering the void that is inside the knot. Luckly this one had plenty of wood covering the damaged area and Im pleased with its outcome.
It has some uniqe looking figure inside the bowl and on the bottom, it has a small inclusion and some wild figure radiating from it.
It is the largest of this type of bowl that I have done.
Measures 18 5/8" Long X 10" wide the bowl inside the wings is 6 3/4" and has an overall hight of 3 3/8". Finish is Gel Poly and Buffed.
Critiques Welcomed!
You can see for yourself on my website
for winged pieces like this I turn up the speed as much as the lathe and wood will allow. the less airgap the better!
That's a beauty, Jim. Those flying wings do command some respect, don't they? And don't let your attention wander either. Love that figure on the wing.
What a lovely piece of wood and you treated it very well. I've been doing similar things but nothing nearly that size. I agree, the faster you can spin it the easier it is to work.