Turned on my eccentric chuck adapter, with about a 3/8" offset from center.
After getting down to the base, I made a 45 degree cone-shaped cut to part off what I'd done, so the base could be hollowed, filled with lead shot, glued back together, and finished.
I have done some very limited eccentric turning, so I find it hard to offer a critique. What I can say is, I know how much work goes into this. Techniquely, I'd say it's good. Artisticlly and design wise, I wouldn't know where to begin. With thast said, I find the piece fascinating and applaud your effort and skill.
Ken, looks pretty cool. My first thought was a worm coming out of an apple (abstractly of course). Your eccentric chuck looks like it works well and turning skills are complimenting it nicely.
Gil, it actually did break as I was finishing the base, about halfway down the spiral. It glued back together fine, I think it was a hairline crack in the wood.
Keith, thanks for the comments. I'll admit that in this case, the design was determined mostly by the process and is probably lacking in artistic merit, although there is potential here :-)
Chris, thanks for the fresh first impression, I like it--others I've heard are a stairway (fairly obvious) a snake, and a spine. These are helping me plan future turnings which hopefully will have more artistic merit ;-)