This inside out turning is 44 inches tall including the angel and a maximum of 10 inches in dia. at the base. The tree is made of Blood wood , the base Black Ipe and the angel is a small inside out turning of Remo Caspi with a Vegetable Ivory carved head with tree bark blond hair. The icicles are fiberglass resin mixed with flour let to run down the tree. For an idea of size the frosted glass inside with the candle is a beer glass.
WHOA!!! That's huge! I am so impressed with your work. Not just this one, but the others as well. I'm also impressed with your site and the work you do other than turning. I had my wife check the site out and she also liked it.
BAM: Thanks for the comments everybody. This peice has about 80 seams as it was glued up from 3/4 inch KD boards as I wanted no movement later.
jgo: Glad you liked the web site. My wife keeps very busy with the animal program.