This is another photo taken several weeks ago of three covered bowls and the packaging. This type averages from 10 to 12 inches in diameter. Next week I am trying and will post some new and interesting styles
Reallllly nice-looking wood! Found some blanks for sale on Ebay, but couldn't find anything about properties, species name, origin, etc. Can anybody provide info? Also, what's it like to turn, dry, finish, etc.?
That is me on Ebay with this wood and other species from here in the Amazon. This wood is HARD bit is nice to work and takes a shine like a mirror. I am a beleiver in boiling my rough turned blanks and drying them under a fan in the shade. You can see the process at
In a few days I hope to have an insideout turning of this wood about 3 foot tall if something doesnt go wrong with it.
Mr. King... Your work is absolutely amazing. and the wood is... well, you know exactly what the wood is... breathtaking.. your last post on the red dalmation wood thread actually answered my first question to you... and one click on your website answered my second question. unfortunately, these answers only led to more questions... I am very interested in getting a gun stock blank, but your website says you dont have any in stock, which is a good thing in my case, cause i kinda need it special cut. the angles are very important. my email is It will be a couple of months before i am ready to buy something, but i am not even sure what species would be good for this... i have lots of questions..