In your 'how to' write-up you said, "replace refill with a Parker brand", does this mean the original ink tube is not usable in the modified wooden pen? How would one determine what model Parker refill to buy? The UPC # code did not work on line, guess I will just go to the store.
no the original ink refill that comes with the pen will work, its just a quality issue..I replace the ones that come with the cigar pen kit with a parker brand also..much smoother writting and never skips. parker makes a nice gell ink refill also but I cant use it because im left handed (smears)...
some of the posts on the pen turners sight suggest that not all walmarts carry this pen..I checked the 3 walmarts nearest me and they all had them (or at least they did before I bought them all)
Nic pen. Simply beautiful. You said on the other pic that the instructions were on Could you give us a link? I tried but couldn't locate them. Looks like a great project. 8)