Well this is my first hollow form, its beech with a lemon oil finish, its a bit boring I know, but i did try to make a fineial, but i didn't have any suitable wood, its 8cm by 15cm
We seem to have the same taste in this regard. It reminds me of the one I recently did. http://www.turnwood.net/Photopost/showphoto.php/photo/3148/sort/1/size/medium/cat/500/page/1
I like this one. Is that curl to the grain toward the bottom or is it just a reflection of the couch? Never turned beech. I didn't know it looks so much like walnut. Wouldn't mind getting my hands on some now. This is not a boring piece. Maybe to the unappreciative eye, but I see some very hard work in that photo and it paid off.
Thanks guys,.........Jgo, yes it does look similar to yours, only that yours looks better !! And the grain, no its not a reflection, it has the horizontal grain that you can see, but then it has these vertical silky waves going on as well, i also dont think its beech, its looks to pale, i think its looks more like lime, and its is also very soft,