Two ash vases approx. 10 inches tall. Both started with a left and a right full spiral side by side. Then the space between was either filled from the top down or the bottom up with partial spirals. The result is a chevron type of pattern either pointing up or down. Both patterns can be put on the same piece(one on front, the other on the back) resulting in spiral right, up, spiral left, down patterns on the four "faces" of the piece. ie four different patterns on the same piece which flow into one another. The one on the right reminds me of Klingon brow ridges, so I'm tempted to name it Worf. All grooves done with a router mounted on a sled while the piece was on the lathe.
Thanks for the comments. Not all that hard to do with a little practice with the setup. But the more grooves, the more touch up sanding by hand. That's about the only drawback.