This is another piece from the same Cottonwood tree as the bowl. This is crotch wood with some pretty nice feathering. 6.5 wide x 6 tall, lacquer finish. View of both sides.
Great piece. Best cottonwood I've ever seen. I've always stayed away from cottonwood because I heard it was too soft to turn. Maybe I'll give it a try.
Thanks everyone. I've heard all kinds of pros and cons of cottonwood but never turned it before. This was very dry and although most of the wood was very bland the crotches and some areas on the outside of the trunk had some good color. It also had more 'chatoyance' (I think that's how it's spelled) than any wood I've ever turned. Being dry it turned pretty nice, very little fuzz, and sanded very smooth.
Beautiful piece, Curt. Yeah, that "chatty" stuff is really a highlight on this piece. I turned some Aspen a while ago that showed it pretty nicely too, but without the curl to make it spectacular. The trees are related so that may explain that feature.