There's a type of maple that grows here in Utah, Bigtooth Maple or Acer grandidentatum. It's pretty plain wood and doesn't usually grow to more than about 8" in dia. But I found a piece that had a little burl growing out of the side so I decided to try a hollow form with it. I was going along pretty good with a nice NE burl neck on it when I did what I almost always do with my blankety blank Sorby hollowing tool and ruined the opening. I just don't savy that tool. Anyway I then tried to make a collar for it but the opening was so big it make the collar look wrong. So it sat on the bench for a few weeks until I got the idea to make a box to fit inside of it. The box is walnut, the finial apricot wood. Sure wish I could have saved that nice NE collar I had going.