I still can't decide what to call these...in essense it is a box, but it could also be a lidded hollow form.
Anyway, a new piece that is a trade with another artist. My end is a painting I commissioned for my parents of their late beloved dog.
It is Eucalyptus Burl with an ebony lid (sorry about the dust on the lid). It stands 4 1/2" tall x 3 1/4" dia. Hollowed to 1/8" wall thickness. Finished with 2 coats of sanding sealer then 4 coats of Behlen's Master Top Coat Lacquer. The lacquer came out so nice I didn't have to buff or wax, this is straight out of the can (I did wet sand between the sealer and then between the 2 & 3 coats) Finally - it only took me 4 years to figure out how to work lacquer!
Forgot to mention, she has pears and apples throught her house as decorations so I was trying to stay with the theme with an implied "apple shape" on this piece without it actually looking like an apple. This will be my 5th piece in her art collection.
Thanks guys. I have to say on the finish the new lacquer I am using really does make a difference. It's available at Rockler and Grizzly; comes in a Tan can. Here's the link: http://www.grizzly.com/products/H3938/images/0 The stuff sprays like you're using a HVLP gun.
Sand to 600, 2 coats of the sanding sealer, sand back with 600 dry. 4 coats of the Top Coat Lacquer letting it tack up in between coats...this was the process for this piece.