I wanted to thank Chris Wright for what has been a very fun time. This picture is my collection of pieces from the challenges I've participated in.
Starting in the back row, l to r, the squares challenge piece from PhillipE, the new experience challenge from Chris Wright(Spinner), the goblets challenge from Junior. Front row l to r, the lidded box challenge from Chris Wright, the enhanced rim bowl challenge from RevDoug, and last is a lidded box I won in a WR raffle (by Chris Wright).
Although this collection may never be in the Louvre or National Art Gallery it's very special to me. These are all pieces from people I've learned from and may have hopefully helped teach a little about turning, but mostly just from some very great people! Thanks to Chris and all the fine folks here at WR!!!
Ain't it great? Hadn't thought about a pic of all the exchange pieces I have, but I do have them all in one place. Pretty soon I'll be moving them over to my office. Wife is starting to complain that I'm taking up her nic-nac space. Matters not to me. I'm just glad to have so many fine pieces from folks who have the same adiction as me. Looking forward to many more to come.
Chris, that's also an example of how the challenges have grown. In the early ones when there were only a handful of participants the odds of drawing the same person in a trade were much greater. But I'm certainly not complaining. I'm more than glad to have three of your pieces to brag about.