I am a begining woodturner and this is only my second goblet (the first with a thin stem). It was turned from black palm and has a CA finish. It is 7" tall, 1 3/4" diameter.
Love the wood and the goblet, flyboy. Excellent work for a second attempt. This is one I'll be proud to add to my 'other turners' collection. Look for a private message later today from me on the message board side.
Great job flyboy. You are well on the way to turning all sorts of things. And I imagine there will be a run on black palm for the next few days. Where did you get it?
I actually picked it up at the local Rockler store. I ran down there last week during lunch and found this piece and thought I'd give it a try. It splinters a bit when going from square to round but then cuts well at high speeds.
Thanks all. I wasn't sure about the wood when I started but really like it now. I just picked up some red palm today at Austin Hardwoods and will try it soon. I will let you know how it goes.
Thanks RevDoug. It did not appear to be stabilized nor did it smell like it was. The Black Palm seems to be much more dense than standard palm wood that I have seen before.