Very nice form, Rick. Not sure why, but I'm not real crazy about the lines on this one. A really nice piece, just seems like the lines interupt the view of the composition. May be one of those pieces that has to be in hand to get the full effect and show off its full beauty. Thanks for sharing, Rick. 8)
Excellent form Rick, the curve is great and I like how it starts to close up when it gets to the top. These bowls are actually harder to get right than a lot of the other forms. I do like the lines, the placement and spacing is perfect and they're a nice addition to a good bowl. I would have liked to have seen a hint more of a foot to bring some light underneath and "lift" it up a bit, but other than that very nice piece.
Thanks guys. This was a pretty bland piece of wood to start with, that's why I tried to spruce it up some with the lines. Sorry to say that upon close inspection the lines aren't perfectly spaced, but real close. Chris to have a hint more of a foot, there would have to be a foot to begin with