10.5 x 8. Another experiment (for me anyway) in surface enhancement. The vessel is sandblasted and bleached ash. The top is ebonized walnut and the finial is redwood. My goal was to provide contrast in color, texture and form. The color contrast is self explanatory (although I?m not sure I like the redwood finial). Obviously the contrast in texture is clear between the top and the main vessel. The contrast in form exists between the relatively squat main vessel body and the long slender finial. I don?t know if this idea worked or not. The vessel is finished with one coat of Krylon matte finish and the lid is finished with satin wipe on poly. I really have mixed feelings about this piece. Critiques are appreciated as they always help me get better.
I really like the vessel and the finial. The lid itself isn't quite doing it for me. I think the reason is that it is taller than expected and for my eye, causes the vessel to continue upwards, lopsiding it's flow towards the top. I tried covering portions of it up and a quick thought is that if the lid were 1/2 the height, but the same diameter, it would flatten it out and bring the finial closer to the vessel where the contrasts are stronger.
Critique aside, I love the idea and the execution. The form/colors are very asian in tone and have a conflicted yet serene feel. Overall, excellent piece.
Chris, you are so right. The vessel actually has a small neck under the lid. My first design did not include the lid or finial. After sandblasting and bleaching, it just looked like a big white blob. Thus, the iid had to be taller in order to fit over the neck...but I do agree that it is distracting. The next one of these I make will be intended to be "topped off"
#3 Tue March 7, 2006 11:01pm
Jerry, post a pic w/out the redwood/walnut lid/finial. The lid may be "overkill." A shape of this kind does not like "high" things on it.
I've always wanted to sand blast a piece of sugar pine. Now if I just had a blast cabinet...
Totally understand JP, I think the finial shape and height is a great compliment though, you're definitely on the right track, you don't get the WoW cover for nothing!
Jerry, very nice. I think the lid is a bit tall also. The form to me looks egg-shaped, and the lid/finial seems to be 'balanced' on the top of the form. I think if the lid was shorter, it would anchor the top more to the form. Congrats on the WOW cover.