This does not look like your usual style, but it sure does look fine. The wood and finish are beautiful, and I like that bead at the bowl edge. The extended rim, its treatment and color, is exquisite, and makes the whole piece appear old and a bit worn, as would worn milk paint. Was the look I described your intent, or is it just my old eyes?
#2 Tue February 21, 2006 4:35am
I don't know, Chris. I'll have to think about this one awhile. I like the bowl but the dye...
Rev, I did sand, reapply, sand reapply, and then steel wool to get the effect I wanted.
Gil, that is mostly the picture, the actual piece is much more vibrant as the finish has a nice shine to it.
Keith, I have actually been in and out of the shop solid since about 3 weeks before Christmas, most of my latest projects are simply much more detailed and have taken longer, these latest posts are simply breaks so I don't lose my touch for the easier things!
Good for you, man. I didn't step foot in my shop from the end of Oct. until after the first of the year and it's been sporatic since then. I do have one or two pieces I'll be posting shortly though.
Thanks Jim and Curt. Curt, There are different methods to do this, but basically what happens is the dye seeps into the softer areas deeper so that when you sand, the denser wood sands 'clean' again, creating the effect. Really easy to try. This also works on woods with a wide grain like ash where the spring wood will soak up more than the surrounding areas.