5.5 x 6 spalted maple with a cedar collar. In my opinion, the collar on this one is too dominant. As I continue to experiment with collars, I am finding out that most of the time less is better. Comments (good or bad) appreciated.
I do like this piece, you did a great job with the finish on the spalted maple. I will agree though the collar is too tall and abrupt. The collars I like are the ones that seem to continue the flow of the top of the shape. Low profile.
Very nice piece and beautiful finish. Did you dye it, sand, and then re-dye? As for the collar, a bit abrupt. Looks like it is a separate piece that was just stuck on. Speaking as a turner, if it could have about 2/3 of its bulk removed and tapered into the body of the HF then you'd have a real beaut. Quite lovely as it is though. 8)
On this piece the first coat was entirely blue. Before sanding, red and yellow added to give the colors you see. Once completely dyed and dry, fairly heavy power sanding with 800 grit to get the colors to blend.
The maple is nice with the dye and has great finish. But the collar doesn't compliment it in either the shape, size, or color. In addition to what's been said about keeping a smaller, lower profile on the collar I think its important to also stick to a neutral color that doesn't compete with the wood of the main vase.
It is great acheivement of color mixs and what a nice finish as to the collar it is in good proportion with the the rest of the piece and it is a focal point. The color is ok since the is brown on the piece probably apple green collar would be better
Jerry, I like the shape, color blending, and finish...fine work!!
The piece would fit in my Donut Chuck easily,
for an unobstructed collar modification, or replacement.
Thats a great idea. I never thought of using my donut chuck. The only thing is that this piece is already gone. If I had thought of your idea, I would not have sold it as cheaply as I did.