10 x 5 spalted box elder. This is a variation of my last picture post that has an odd number of protrusions at the top. I think there are seven...as several have indicated, it is way too busy. Perhaps 5 is a happy medium.
Jerry, I'm not sure that the wood isn't the problem here rather than the number of "protursions." You've got beautiful spalting, color variations, and bark inclusions. Then you come in with another detail with the carving. Not sure, but I believe that had the wood been more "normal," your composition would have been much stronger with out becoming "busy." I still like it. If you feel the need to get it out of your sight my address is.... 8)
Thanks for the insight Rev. What part of KY are you in. I am in Nashville and travel to KY from time to time. Perhaps we could get together for lunch sometime. Maybe even exchange some wood, etc.
Jerry, I shouldn't answer for someone else but I don't think Rev would mind this time. Both Doug and I live in the vicinity of Louisville KY. I live about 1/2 hour norht of Louisville and Rev lives about an hour to an hour and a half west of Louisville. We meet for lunch or whatever whenever he happens to be in Louisville which is quite often sometimes. I would love to get together with you if you are ever in this area on your travels. Let us know ahead of time and I am sure we can find a convenient meeting place, Right Doug!?
I have to take back what I said about too may becoming too busy. I think this one looks just as good as the cherry piece. Both are very nice. If possible, post a picture from a top view.