It seems "everybody" is turnin' goblets; I've never turned a "real" goblet. I went out to the shop and saw this narly piece of mulberry a well-known S. GA turner sent to me. So I says to meself, "meself, says I, I believe there's a goblet in that mulberry." Darned if there wasn't
It's about 6" high x 2.5". I just waxed it (bee's wax cut w/alky.) "everybody" seems to like thin walls; how about just over 1 mm?
Nice work + nice wood = the biggest piece of junk I've ever seen. Just kidding . One very nice goblet, Bud. Very good lines from top to bottom. And you know what they say, "thin is in." Good work. I'll share one I got off the lathe yesterday in a couple of days when the finish is closer to being done. 8)