I sure did pick the wrong wood and the wrong shape for my 2nd hollowing attempt!!! This stuff was a biocht!! It blew apart on me 4 times (sanding) so I gave up on the interior.......its not all that pretty......But the outside came out nice. Luckily with all the cracks and whatnot , you cant even tell its been glued together 4 times!! I was glad when this one was done!!! Finish is 3 coats of tung oil
Oh.........forgot the dimensions and such 8 3/4 " tall 5" at widest point 1/4 to 1/16 thin.........still workin on the thickness consistancy!!! With the loose "wings" it was real tuff to get keep things equal. I almost considered duct tapin the outside to keep the centrificul (sp?) force from throwing the sections outward....................but I didnt.........should have.....woulda made things easier
Duct tape would have worked real well, as a matter of fact I have use it on turnings where it was questionable it would hold together. I know Chris has too and he might be doing it on that piece he has posted with the alien giving birth.
For the photo, I do not see the crack/glue lines, and it looks very good, as does the finish. I have never taped any turning to hold it together, but have read of others doing so. Seems like removing the tape would be touchy.
You shouldn't have told anyone it blew up, we would never have known. I was looking at the pic before reading about it and thinking how did he do that. Even after putting it back together it looks incredible. That's as fine a save as Ive seen. Nice shape to it and beautiful wood.
Pretty nice results after a blow up. As an alternative to tape of any kind, you might consider a small roll of shrink wrap. Home Depot has them for sure, and probably others as well. I have a 5" wide roll on a handle that I use now and again to keep stuff together. Works great, but you need to keep it dust free or it won't stick very well.