the vase is black walnut from a 4" 6" diameter log that Dreamer and I picked up at a rest area outside Reynoldsburg ohio.
The bowl on the left is from a block of alder that wound up having alot of punk rot in it when i cut it up but had to try one anyway...i liked the natural came out ok but not great.
The Walnut vase looks real good, the finish is well done and not too glossy, and the rim bead is very nice. The curve in the neck seems to flatten out in the middle third, but the picture is so cluttered that it is hard for my old eyes to see it well.
Looks like your best piece yet. I have to agree with Gil though. The neck seems to flatten out just a bit. Design is really nice and the bead detail is excellent. Nice work. 8)
Thanks Rev and Gil
and your right Gil the pic is to busy but I am not the photo
Rev I also thought the neck was to long/flat but it is the 1st one i've done, eventually I think i will get the style down that i want.
Thanks for looking