This was a peice of walnut given too me by a mill in Kansas. I almost through it out because of all the piths and the inclusions. When I tried to core some smaller bowls, they just broke in half because of the inclusion that ran through the middle. I ended up with this, and tossed it on my pile of drying bowls and forgot about it up for sure to split and crack. Shape was pretty much detiremined by the voids and cracks in the original peice.
pulled it out last week and finish turned it. Finished it with oil and buffed it today. 11 X 4 inches.
Nice save, Ned. I think I would have like it more if the outside curve were more of a curve, rather than the sharp break at the top of straight sides. Then again, that is just my opinion, which with $1 will buy you a bad cup of coffee (in some places). Beautiful piece of wood though. 8)