I like these burl pieces. I'm just starting to use laquer. I read in one of your other posts that you wet sand between coats. Is this done with water and is it done between every coat? Do you do anything after the final coat?
Hey Keith, thanks. I just started using lacquer again, but back in my high school ROP (car) body shop days my instructor taught us to wet sand with 500 or 600 between every coat. This gives it a more uniform finish. Yes, wet sand the last one and then buff the piece lightly. Just enough to bring the shine back. Too much pressure and you can burn through the layers. The piece should sit for at least a day before buffing to allow the lacquer to cure and harden otherwise any "soft" spots will get pushed around and turn to gum. I also apply a light coat of wax after buffing. Something microcrystalline works best and of course since it is lacquer, a good automotive wax is most compatible. I wet sand with either water or pure alcohol. On natural edge pieces where voids and other such openings may allow for 'bare' wood in spots alcohol is better because it will evaporate faster and not seep into the wood and under the finish (which can cause bubbling, clouding, etc.). 3 coats minimum to get good coverage and I know a few guys who get glass-like finishes go to 10 or 12 coats.