This is a piece of Monkey Puzzle that I got from Joseph Schneider. It has been treated just like NIP. No other finish other then the soakings in oil mix, and buffing. If I wasn't told, I dont think I could tell the difference between this wood and NIP. Maybe a smaller pith and lighter knot color. 12"x9". All comments and critiques welcome.
Thanks for the kind words. I got this piece of wood from Joseph Schneider in Florida. He has a small wood buisiness. He also sells on E-Bay once and a while. This wood is from Florida and it's about 6 months since it was cut. Joe also supplies me with the NIP that I have turned.
That's a beautiful bowl Gary! I did a google search on both Monkeypuzzle and Norfolk Island Pine because I didn't know what either tree looked like. Other than both being evergreens, they don't have much in common on the outside. It's amazing that they look so similar in the wood. I wonder if any other pine type evergreen woods would take on a similar look if turned thin and soaked in the oil treatment.
Thanks for the comments. cfuller, both Monkey puzzle and NIP are in the family "Araucariaceae" so they are closely related. Both have branches in a radial patern. NIP is Araucaria heterophylla, and Monkey Puzzle is Araucaria araucana. Both have much lighter collored wood when fresh. I let mine sit around and get moldy. The mold and the spalting give the wood the blacks and the range of colors. If I turned the wood fresh there might be a noticable difference between the woods. I have tried the same oil mix treatment on black pine with some success.