I agree with those above, the wood is beautiful and the finish looks to be flawless. You've done a nice job of working with this chunk of wood. I believe that I would have continued the curve that you started with at the top of the piece. But, design is in the eye of the turner, so to speak. Keep up the good work. 8)
yeah I wanted a slightly diffrent shape but thats I could end up with the good parts of this chunk! The finish is tung oil.........period................after 2 hours sanding from 80 to 1200...............................................................................Chop it up??? what are ya sayin??? LOL
That's just a good looking bowl all the way around, top, side, and bottom. Like Rev, I generally prefer a convex curve on the outside, but what you've done here looks real nice. Looks like mother nature and the bugs did the segmenting for you on this one.