This one took awhile..............and I'm not really happy with it . Its outa proportion and just doesnt look right. Mebee with a diffrent shape it woulda looked real good
Honestly, the top rim is too large and bulky. you had a nice curve going there above the flags and then tried to spread it which in itself wasn't bad but the bulbous rim doesn't fit.
yup hadta fit the lid that was already made....and flag ring came out smaller than planned...........mebbe I throw it back on and trim things down a bit
Call me nuts if you like, but I like everything about it except the pedistal. I'm thinking that if you cut it off, the entire piece would come together nicely. Run your picture through your photo editor and see if what you think. 8)
Chris pointed out to me once, and I think it applies here...with segmented peices, if you make the curve transition happen at a seam, it tends to look like you glued it together after turning and makes it look like it doesn't flow. While not real obvious, and perhaps a trick of the photo, it looks like the curves take a bend at the thin white strips above and below the flag sections. The flags are really nice though.
I also agree about the pedistal, but if removed, I think the bottom would look to small and angular. It is a tough one, all the individual peices look great, the foot included, but together, they don't seem to go together. I don't know, maybe someone else can get their finger on it. I like the photo editor idea, play with it and see what works. Hope this helped.
The ring length at top and bottom are the same height, but the diffrent angles make it appear to be longer at the top. If the whole thing was turned upside down the proportion might look a lil better. BTW parts were turned before gluing them up, limiting what I could take off inside and out. I strayed from my plan and in this case didnt have favorable outcome.It was still fun to "see if I could". Mebbe someday I'll fix it up. Thanks for all the input guys