This is Black Ash with Black Cherry burl lid and finial. Measures 8 " wide and 8.5" high. The finish is tung oil. Comments and critique always welcome!
Always like your pieces Vinny, this one looks very nice.
Now the critique, IMHO the finial is a bit wide or heavy, can't put my finger on it. The photo is a bit too dark at the base to see the bottom well
Don, Ed , thanks for commenting!
Ed, I have been working on the bulk of the finial, and this one is slimmer than my first ones....your critique is very valuable to me, thank you. I also agree the pic is not light balanced very well. I hope acquiring a ring flash will help?
Just go for it
Vinny, one thing to remember is that when I critique your pieces, I'm comparing them to your previous body of work. You set the bar high for yourself, I admire that.
Ed, it`s a strange thing with me,,,,I`ll overshoot my abilities an order to thrust my way "forward", then get frustrated about the time involved when I could be making things I already know how to make....And if I`m really lucky, I`ll be happy with the new piece for about 2 days. (maybe I should adjust my meds? just kidding, LOL)
Just go for it