Once I got one end bonded on with CA glue, I wrapped on one entire layer then coated with thin CA until it would not soak up any more, then wrapped a second layer and did the same thing and then let it dry completely. Once it dried I used thick CA to provide a final overall coat then let that dry with the lathe running real slow. After this dried I used my 1/2" bowl gouge to shape it and sanded down to 600 grit sand paper then used my micromesh 1500 grade through to 12,000 grade and finished off with a friction polish.
Nice pen Phil. They take a bit more time than turning one from wood, don't they? Oh, did you use a breathing aparatus or just a fan behind you? The odor from that CA glue is terrible.
I used a fan behind me and a face mask (battery on trend dead again) and goggles. I tried very hard to stay back as far as feasible and left the area immediately upon sensing the fumes coming at me
-FYI- Philip, and others, the Trend will NOT stop ANY fumes or organic vapors, only dust.
Actually, it will act to concentrate the fumes/vapors, and that could be quite dangerous. I use a dual cartridge respirator, with cartridges for organic vapors for finish paints and CA glues, and even that does not stop all the CA fumes. If I ever find another glue that sets up as fast as CA, is clear, and does not generate hazardous fumes, my CA days will be over. CA fumes and my lungs are not compatible at all.
Didn't worry about the glue sticking to the bushings, by the time you get done turning and sanding there isn't much left holding to the bushing and what was holding, just a quick little snap and it came free.
Doug, I use Johnsons Paste Wax on my bushings to keep the Ca from sticking and,as Phil said, even if you use nothing the blank usually breaks away from the bushing with no damage.