Woodturners Resource en-us http://www.woodturnersresource.com/wrphotopost Sat, 11 Jan 2025 03:21:19 +0000 PhotoPost Pro 8.0 60 DSC01902 <a href="http://www.woodturnersresource.com/wrphotopost/showphoto.php?photo=6401&amp;title=dsc01902&amp;cat=500"><img class="imgborder" title="DSC01902.JPG" border="0" src="http://www.woodturnersresource.com/wrphotopost/data/500/thumbs/DSC01902.JPG" alt="DSC01902.JPG" /></a><br /><br />by: mit_ch<br /><br />1 comment http://www.woodturnersresource.com/wrphotopost/showphoto.php?photo=6401&title=dsc01902&cat=500 http://www.woodturnersresource.com/wrphotopost/showphoto.php?photo=6401&title=dsc01902&cat=500 Wed, 13 Aug 2008 00:00:39 +0000 Crackes in cherry bowl <a href="http://www.woodturnersresource.com/wrphotopost/showphoto.php?photo=6400&amp;title=crackes-in-cherry-bowl&amp;cat=500"><img class="imgborder" title="DSC019001.JPG" border="0" src="http://www.woodturnersresource.com/wrphotopost/data/500/thumbs/DSC019001.JPG" alt="DSC019001.JPG" /></a><br /><br />by: mit_ch<br /><br />Description}: This is a hunk of cherry I never got around to sealing the ends on when getting a truck load of cherry wood.The other day I picked it up and was depressed about all the hair line cracks all through the wood. Decided to turn this and get all the shavings out of it that I can,since I use these shavings to mulch my shrubbery with wood shavings I use my old wood to do this. Either that or practice on this wood then throwing it away. As I turned I noticed none of the cracks were open and the bowl started looking good to me.I finished turning and used Sorby spiraling tool to decorate top half and bottom half with spirals. Did same thing on bottom of bowl but doesn't show in picture number 2. I used a rag to burn the rim of bowl turning at 35oo rpm's. Washed the whole bowl with brushed on paint thinner, then immediately brushed on first coat of poly semi gloss. I put total of 4 coats poly on the bowl. http://www.woodturnersresource.com/wrphotopost/showphoto.php?photo=6400&title=crackes-in-cherry-bowl&cat=500 http://www.woodturnersresource.com/wrphotopost/showphoto.php?photo=6400&title=crackes-in-cherry-bowl&cat=500 Tue, 12 Aug 2008 23:51:56 +0000 Crackes in cherry bowl <a href="http://www.woodturnersresource.com/wrphotopost/showphoto.php?photo=6399&amp;title=crackes-in-cherry-bowl&amp;cat=500"><img class="imgborder" title="DSC01900.JPG" border="0" src="http://www.woodturnersresource.com/wrphotopost/data/500/thumbs/DSC01900.JPG" alt="DSC01900.JPG" /></a><br /><br />by: mit_ch<br /><br />Description}: This is a hunk of cherry I never got around to sealing the ends on when getting a truck load of cherry wood.The other day I picked it up and was depressed about all the hair line cracks all through the wood. Decided to turn this and get all the shavings out of it that I can,since I use these shavings to mulch my shrubbery with wood shavings I use my old wood to do this. Either that or practice on this wood then throwing it away. As I turned I noticed none of the cracks were open and the bowl started looking good to me.I finished turning and used Sorby spiraling tool to decorate top half and bottom half with spirals. Did same thing on bottom of bowl but doesn't show in picture number 2. I used a rag to burn the rim of bowl turning at 35oo rpm's. Washed the whole bowl with brushed on paint thinner, then immediately brushed on first coat of poly semi gloss. I put total of 4 coats poly on the bowl.<br /><br />3 comments http://www.woodturnersresource.com/wrphotopost/showphoto.php?photo=6399&title=crackes-in-cherry-bowl&cat=500 http://www.woodturnersresource.com/wrphotopost/showphoto.php?photo=6399&title=crackes-in-cherry-bowl&cat=500 Tue, 12 Aug 2008 23:50:05 +0000 DSC01856 <a href="http://www.woodturnersresource.com/wrphotopost/showphoto.php?photo=6395&amp;title=dsc01856&amp;cat=500"><img class="imgborder" title="DSC01856.JPG" border="0" src="http://www.woodturnersresource.com/wrphotopost/data/500/thumbs/DSC01856.JPG" alt="DSC01856.JPG" /></a><br /><br />by: mit_ch<br /><br />Description}: This is my first attempt at making a lidded box. The box was turned from silver maple and this wood was wet so I use poly urethane coats to seal and prevent cracking etc. The body is completely hollowed out and the walls pretty thin.when turning the lid I was pleasantly pleased the lid popped shut perfectly the first time and the wet wood since drying only shrank a tiny bit and it still fits good. Mit_ch<br /><br />4 comments http://www.woodturnersresource.com/wrphotopost/showphoto.php?photo=6395&title=dsc01856&cat=500 http://www.woodturnersresource.com/wrphotopost/showphoto.php?photo=6395&title=dsc01856&cat=500 Mon, 11 Aug 2008 19:26:04 +0000