Splitting Segmented Rings

By Ed Weber

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1 Many times for our segmented projects we need to have very thin rings as part of the design. It can be problematic to say the least. Safely and cleanly cutting 1/4" or thinner stock isn't always easy. You can make a full ring and split it on the lathe but it's time consuming and wasteful.
I suggest making a half ring and slicing it as thin as you need on the BS.
Here is a standard half ring, 6 segments 7 1/2" dia. x 7/8 thick and sanded even.
1 I use double-face carpet tape and stick the half to a piece of melamine (you can use whatever you want).
1 I set the BS for the cut. This will be a simple 2 piece cut.

Bandsaw Blade:
Width     1/4"
Gauge  .025
TPI       6
Style     Hook
Set       Raker


Now that you have your 2 pieces you can align them in any way you want.

Here is an example of book matched and sequence matched.

I have used this method to cut rings less than 1/8" with no problems.

If your design allows this, it's a great time and wood saver.
